Channel: Working It » Patalastas
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Who Wants To Be Tagged?


Raise your hand!

Because I kind of realized that I have probably maxed-out the “tag-able” friends that I have in my blogroll, hehe. :)

Eversince I started this meme-blog, I’ve always tried to pass on the memes to the people whom I felt wanted, needed, or appreciated the memes I steamrolled handed over to them. As much as possible, I matched the tags to the recipients, depending on their needs or interests.

However, since I answer a minimum of one meme per day, I realized that I couldn’t very well tag the people I normally tag each and every time. Aside from the fact that I think I’m the only one in the blogosphere who probably has a high tolerance for tags, I don’t want to overly burden my recipients with more memes than they can handle. I’m trying to make friends here, not become an allergen to the blogging world or something. Besides, tags and memes only work if they are passed on. That’s the spirit of it. Seriously, I like memes and I want to answer as many memes as I humanly can. As I said, its a great way to pass the time, as well as to excercise my lethargic brain cells. However, I have found that I am limited by who I can actually tag or not. Thus, my dilemma.

And thus, this patalastas.

Friends, Romans, Tag-buddies, lend me your ears. From this day forward, I plan to make a separate blogroll for people who will agree to be recipients of my tags. If you want to be a willing victim participant, please leave your name and link in the comments section and I’ll add you. You may also indicate if you want to receive only certain types of tags (photo memes, essay memes, q&a memes, linky loves, virals, anything except virals, etc.) or all of them (if you are as game as me) so I’ll know which ones I can pass on to you. I’m sure there are some working girls out there like me who might find linky loves beneficial, and I understand that. This is a win-win thing – I help you, you help me, haha!

So please, if you want to be tagged (or not), don’t be shy to tell me. Even if I don’t know you personally, I’ll still add you and then tag you. And, of course, you can tag me. :)


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